Fides Properties Deal Profiles
Fides Properties focuses on property investments that fall broadly into two categories:
- Pension Fund type investments
- Asset Management investments
Pension Fund type investments are typically characterised by:
- Good locations
- Well maintained and/or recently built properties
- Strong covenants
- Long leases (normally in excess of 10 years)
- Under let or with rents close to market rentals
- Positive cash flows from day one (strong running yields)
- Limited or no Capital Expenditure required
These deals suit investors looking for sustainable income with long term capital growth opportunities.
Asset Management Investments are characterised by:
- Good locations
- Variable Covenant strength
- Shorter Leases
- Rentals below the market
- Positive cash flows (but initially lower than in pension fund deals)
- Some Capital Expenditure required (typically for refurbishment and/or improvements)
These investments typically carry a higher risk but also generate higher returns through capital growth and depending upon the time frame strong yields in the medium term.
In addition, Fides Properties has formed joint ventures with experienced property developers to look to develop and/or convert commercial properties to residential in specific locations within Greater London and Geneva.